Sedation Dental Care Affords A Multitude Of Benefits

by Stacy Nelson


For people of all ages, undergoing an oral procedure can be an anxiety-boosting experience. Whether it is the fear of the unknown or a concern with a previous incident, people who experience anxiety associated with a visit to the dental office can experience an unpleasant scenario. Fortunately, sedation dental care can be used to avoid this concern and make treatment better. 

Better Health

Anxiety is more than just a feeling. It is instead, a state in which the body enters when it encounters a trigger, such as stress. For some people, the period in which they experience increased anxiety can cause the body to undergo several physiological changes, including an increased heart rate and lightheadedness in more severe cases.

For some people, these changes can increase the risk of health concerns, which could be concerning enough that it requires the oral health provider to either pause the procedure or postpone it. Sedation does not eliminate anxiety; instead, it puts you in a relaxed state where anxiety is not triggered.   

Fewer Complication Risks

Fortunately, many oral health procedures are relatively low-risk, largely non-invasive, and without severe risk. However, this scenario is not always the case, especially when anxiety is a concern. 

First, if a patient is scared, they may be more likely to prolong treatment, which will typically cause their condition to worsen. Sedation affords patients a chance to get treatment sooner without fear. Second, if a patient is awake and experiencing fear, they may be inclined to interpret treatment while the provider is working, which can be equally concerning. 

Reduced Costs

As previously mentioned, anxiety can sometimes cause a person to put off treatment for fear of the procedure. Again, prolonging certain oral procedures, such as a tooth extraction, can lead to a worsening of the issue. For extraction, and many other procedures, the more difficult the procedures, sometimes, the greater the costs. 

In fact, with some procedures, if it is proven that the patient was at fault for worsening their condition, their insurance coverage contribution could be reduced. Sedation helps ensure patients are comfortable so that they can seek treatment in a timely manner to help avoid an unnecessary increase in their treatment cost.

Anxiety does not have to be an issue when you undergo needed oral care. Speak with your oral health provider to learn more about your sedation dental care options to determine what options are ideal for you.

