What Your Dentist Wants You To Know About Dental Crowns

by Stacy Nelson

Many people will need a dental crown at some point in their life. Dental crowns are designed to protect teeth that have become unstable due to decay or mechanical damage. They are designed to fit seamlessly over a tooth that has been shaped to accommodate a crown. Here are four things your dentist wants you to know about dental crown treatment.

Dental crowns can prevent tooth loss

Some people hesitate to get dental crowns because of aesthetic or financial concerns. However, if your dentist is recommending a dental crown, it's because they believe it's the best way to keep your teeth safe and healthy. Dental crowns can prevent tooth loss by protecting the delicate pulp of your teeth from exposure and decay. Dental crowns can also be used after root canal therapy to provide structural support for teeth that have been weakened due to pulpectomies.

Dental crowns can be made of metal, porcelain, or zirconia

Dental crowns can be made of metal, porcelain, zirconia, or a combination of these materials. The right dental crown material for you will depend on your specific concerns and desires. Metal dental crowns are often more affordable than their ceramic and zirconia counterparts. However, ceramic and ceramic-coated dental crowns offer aesthetic advantages since ceramic is a material that looks most similar to natural tooth enamel. Zirconia is another tooth-colored alternative that is newer to the market. Zirconia is very hard and durable, so patients can rest assured that their zirconia crowns will last for many years.

Dental crowns are custom-made for each patient

When you get a dental crown, your dentist will take a 3D image of your mouth. This image will be used to construct a custom crown that will fit seamlessly over your tooth. A perfect fit is important because it prevents damage from occurring to the surrounding teeth. Once your dental crown is put in place, your dentist may make small adjustments to its surface to improve its fit.

Dental crowns will be placed over two appointments

Patients who receive dental crowns will typically have their crowns installed over the course of two dental appointments. During the first appointment, your dentist will treat any existing decay in your tooth before shaping your tooth to accommodate a dental crown. A temporary crown will be glued in place to protect your tooth until your permanent crown arrives. At your second dental appointment, your dentist will remove your temporary crown and permanently attach your true crown.

For more information about tooth crowns, reach out to a local dental clinic.
