Protecting Teeth With Dental Sealant: What You Need To Know

by Stacy Nelson

Some people are more susceptible to decay in their teeth than others. If you are in this position, your dentist may suggest applying dental sealant to your teeth. Dental sealant helps strengthen teeth and helps fill in areas where decay could occur. The following are some things you should know if you want your dentist to apply dental sealant to your teeth:

What Is the Purpose of Dental Sealant?

Dental sealant is a material that is applied to the more vulnerable teeth. Some people have grooves in their teeth. This is genetic and is a common occurrence. Teeth with grooves are more susceptible to decay because sugar and bacteria can hide in these areas and are not easily cleaned with a toothbrush. The sealant is a plastic-like coating that is applied to these teeth to act as a barrier for decay.

How Is the Dental Sealant Applied to the Teeth?

After a thorough cleaning, the dentist will dry the teeth with an absorbent material to ensure the sealant applies to the teeth. After the teeth are dry, the dentist will use an acidic solution to slightly roughen the teeth to help the sealant bond. Afterward, the tooth is dried again. The sealant is then painted on each affected tooth. After the sealant dries, it will be cured using ultraviolet light.

Can Decayed Teeth Be Sealed?

It is possible to apply dental sealant over small areas of decay to help the decay from spreading to other teeth. Most dentists, however, prefer to remove all decay on the teeth before applying dental sealant.

How Do You Care for Sealed Teeth?

Teeth that have dental sealant should be cared for just like you normally would care for your teeth. Be sure to brush and floss between your teeth every day. To best protect the sealant, use a toothbrush with soft bristles. If you eat something that is dark in color or has the propensity to stain the teeth, be sure to brush right afterward as they can cause some discoloration on the dental sealant material. Be careful when you eat any food that is sticky, as it can pull the sealant off the teeth.

Dental sealant is a great way to avoid unwanted tooth decay. This application is very common in children and can help them avoid dental problems later in life. However, anyone can have their teeth sealed. If you have any questions about dental sealant, be sure to speak to a local dentist.
