Modern Veneers Look More Natural Than Ever

by Stacy Nelson

Dental veneers have become a more popular trend as patients look for new ways to improve their appearances and their smiles. Veneers are able to create a youthful appearance when you are smiling. If you are considering veneers for the first time, it's important to know what to expect.

Veneers Look Better Than Ever

The technology of veneers has improved, and this technology has made it possible to create a more authentic look. You are able to have veneers custom-made so that they will match your facial structure. When a cosmetic dentist is creating veneers, they must take into consideration the contour of your face so that they can give you a more symmetrical appearance.

Veneers Vs. Crowns and Implants

Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain or resin that are attached to your teeth. They are considered to be a less invasive alternative to getting a dental crown or an implant. With a crown, a portion of your tooth is replaced by a prosthetic tooth. With implants, a titanium implant is embedded into your jaw. However, with veneers, very few changes need to be made to your mouth other than the placement of the veneers.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are increasingly a more popular option because they do not require the reshaping of the tooth to such an extent as porcelain veneers. These types of veneers can be added with one dental visit.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are sometimes chosen because they last longer than composite veneers. While porcelain veneers do not last a lifetime and certainly do not last as long as dental implants, they do last a long time if you take good care of them.

However, regardless of the type you choose, you will be able to replace your worn-out veneers with new ones when the time comes. Most patients are happy with the results after their cracked or worn-out veneers have been restored by cosmetic dentist services.

Your Dentist May Need to Make Some Modifications to Your Teeth

While having veneers added is much less invasive than dental implants, your dentist will need to remove some of the enamel from your teeth so that the veneers will lift snuggly.

However, once you have had your veneers added, your teeth will be protected from acidic substances, and you will be able to keep your smile for a long time as long as you take good care of your veneers and have regular appointments with your cosmetic dentist.

Contact your dentist if you have questions about cosmetic dentistry options. 
