Four Restorative Dentistry Services for Patients

by Stacy Nelson

Everyone needs preventative dentistry services, but many people will need to have restorative dental work performed at some point, as well. Restorative dentistry can help you maintain the health of the teeth you already have, as well as replace teeth that have gone missing due to accidents or decay. Here are some services that your dentist can provide if your teeth are in need of restoration:

1. Cavity Fillings

Cavity fillings can be used to treat small areas of decay. Treating cavities in a prompt manner can help you avoid more invasive procedures, such as root canal therapy. You can ask your dentist for tooth-colored fillings made of composite resin. These filings are specifically designed to blend into your teeth for a seamless and natural appearance. Composite resin can also be used to fill cracks and chips in your teeth.

2. Dental Crowns

Dental crowns can be used to cover fragile teeth. Crowns are typically used to protect teeth that have undergone root canal therapy, but they have other uses, too. A tooth that has been worn down by persistent bruxism can benefit from a dental crown. Before applying a crown, your dentist will shape the underlying tooth. This will reduce the bulk of your tooth, so your new dental crown will fit neatly into your mouth. Dental crowns are permanent oral fixtures that will give you a solid biting surface.

3. Dental Bridges

Dental bridges can be used to replace missing teeth. Bridges are dental devices that contain one or more prosthetic teeth bordered by dental crowns. These dental crowns are used to attach the dental bridge to your existing teeth. Dental bridges are minimally invasive, which makes them an excellent alternative to dental implants for people who prefer to avoid oral surgery. Many dental bridges are supported by two dental crowns. However, cantilever bridges are available for people who cannot wear traditional dental bridges. 

4. Dental Implants

Dental implants are also used in restorative dentistry. Dental implants are inserted into a patient's jawbone during the implant procedure. The patient's mouth is given time to heal before a prosthetic tooth is attached to the dental implant. Dental implants do not disturb the surrounding teeth, which can make them an attractive alternative to dental bridges for people who prefer to avoid placing crowns on healthy teeth. You can care for dental implants the same way you care for your other teeth by brushing and flossing them daily.

If you have any questions about restorative dentistry, contact an office near you. 
