Nervous About Getting Dental X-Rays? Follow These Tips

by Stacy Nelson

Are you about to go to the dentist, but feeling a bit nervous about getting x-rays taken? It could be due to concerns about the radiation, or maybe it's from the discomfort of having the x-ray equipment in your mouth. Here are some tips that will help you get through it. 

Communicate With Your Dentist

The first thing you should do is communicate your concerns to your dentist before they take the x-rays. They can help talk you through it and take more care with you, or they can take some additional steps to avoid discomfort. You may be surprised how much that small amount of communication can help.

Always Swallow First

Take a moment to swallow any saliva in your mouth before you have the x-ray tools inserted. This will help with saliva collecting in your mouth during the process, which can make it uncomfortable. You should also avoid swallowing when the equipment is inserted.

Breathe Through Your Nose

Try to change your breathing so that you are breathing through your nose rather than your mouth. This small change is going to make breathing much more comfortable and take the focus off of your mouth while the x-ray is being taken.

Focus On Something Else In The Room

It's important to not overthink about what is happening during a dental x-ray. Take your mind off it by looking at something else in the room, or even try wiggling your toes. Giving your mind a brief mental break can make a big difference with getting you through it. Some people even prefer to mediate and just zone out during the x-ray process.

Listen To Music

Another distraction method that can work great is listening to music. Don't be afraid to pull out an earbud and put it in one ear so that you can listen to something during your x-rays. Just make sure not to bob your head to the music while the x-rays are being taken, since you still need to be perfectly still.

Tilt Your Head Down

If the problem is that you are gagging on your own saliva during the x-ray process, ask if you can sit up a bit and tilt your head down. You'll end up preventing saliva from collecting in the back of your throat that will normally cause you to gag. 

These are just a few tips that will help you get through your dental x-rays. Contact a local family dentistry office to learn more.
