4 Quick Dental Tips For Maintaining Your Oral Care In College

by Stacy Nelson

Going to college can be one of the most exciting times in life, but it can also be one of the biggest adjustments a person ever makes. Change is never going to be easy on anyone. It's simply human nature to resist change. Make that work in your favor by choosing to establish great dental care maintenance a part of your everyday life from the time you first arrive at college. Follow these quick dental tips to keep your healthy smile throughout college and beyond.

Tip #1: Set Up a Daily Oral Care Plan That's Easy for You

It's important to consider your class schedule, sleeping habits, roommate situation, and person preferences when setting up a daily oral care plan. You need to brush your teeth, floss, and swish with mouthwash at least twice per day. When you brush your teeth, you need to brush for at least two minutes at a time. Plan to do this at the most convenient times for you. The easier you make it on yourself to have good habits, the more likely you are to stick with them.

Tip #2: Make a Dental Care Basket to Keep by Your Bed

Unfortunately, not every living situation is ideal. Some of your peers may not have your best interests at heart, and sometimes roommates can have gross hygiene habits when living away from home for the first time. Grab a small plastic basket and place your toothbrush in it along with your toothpaste, floss, mouthwash, dental cups, and other tools for dental care. Transport it to the bathroom every time you brush your teeth, rather than leave your toothbrush in the bathroom.

Tip #3: Put Travel Size Dental Products in Your Purse and Car

One of the fun things about college is its unpredictability. You may decide to go away with friends for a weekend at a moment's notice, and you don't want to risk compromising your dental health for a little spontaneous fun. Plan for any scenario by putting travel-sized dental products in your purse and car. That way, you can access them any time you need them and never have to scramble to shop for dental care products to stick with your routine.

Tip #4: Prioritize Seeing Your Dentist When Visiting Home

If you are going away to college, it may seem impossible to keep the same dentist you may have been seeing for years. The good news is that you can plan the biannual dental check-ups around your visits home. Since most college students go home for visits in December and the summer, those visits are perfectly timed to allow for visits to your dentist.

Finally, keep in mind that your dental health is largely in your hands. How your smile looks in 20 years depends on how well you take care of your teeth today. Don't risk your dental health, or your overall health could suffer. Follow these tips to get started on the right foot – and tooth – when you begin your college career.
