Are You A Good Candidate For Dental Implants?

by Stacy Nelson

Losing your teeth can have a huge impact in your self confidence. You may find that you are willing to smile a lot less and may even be apprehensive about everything from going to work to meeting new people. Whether you have lost all of your teeth or just a few, dental implants is definitely one option to be considered that can give you your smile back. However, not every individual is the right candidate for dental implants. To better understand if this is the right option for you, take a look at these signs that can tell you that you are a good candidate for dental implant surgery. 

Do you have generally healthy gums?

In order to be a good candidate for dental implants, it is absolutely important that your gums be generally healthy. Once the implants are placed into the jawline, the soft tissue of your mouth needs to be able to grow around the new tooth in order for the surgery to be a successful one. In some cases, certain types of periodontal disease that affects the gums and soft tissues of the mouth can get in the way of getting dental implants, but with treatment, you may still be able to get implants in the future.

Are you consistently making good choices with dental hygiene?

Dental hygiene is highly important after you get dental implants–pretty much just as important as it is with natural teeth. Some patients make the mistake of assuming that because their new implants are not real teeth, the same dental hygiene requirements are not a part of the equation, which can lead to major problems. You need to be persistent about brushing and flossing once you have your implants and get regular checkups just the same as you should with your natural smile. 

Are you a non-smoker?

In many cases, a cosmetic dentist will not treat a patient wanting dental implants if they are a smoker. This is for a few really good reasons. For one, smokers are more prone to periodontal disease and other oral health issues. Additionally, smokers' mouths often do not heal as they should after dental implant surgery because the soft tissue is not as healthy as it would be for a non-smoker, and the elevated temperature in the mouth during smoking can cause problems. Therefore, if you do not smoke, it is more likely that you would be considered a dental implant candidate. 
