3 Ways To Know That Dental Implants Are The Right Choice For You

by Stacy Nelson

When you have a tooth that is missing from your mouth, there are a few different ways you can deal with the situation; you could obtain a dental implants, dentures, or a dental bridge. Here are three ways to determine if dental implants are the best option for you out of the three.

#1 You Have Great Overall Dental Health

A dental implant can be a great option if your missing tooth is an anomaly and the rest of your teeth are in good condition, you have a healthy jaw, and don't have any issues with your jawbone either. If your overall dental health is great, minus the tooth that had to be extracted from your mouth, getting a dental implant will not impact the rest of your teeth and will allow you to have all your teeth in place and working well together.

#2 You Only Have A Single Tooth That Is Missing

Next, if you only have had one tooth extracted and missing from your mouth, the other two options may not work for you. Dentures generally are made for individuals who have more than one missing tooth. Bridges require that your other teeth be modified to make the denture work, which may not be an option you want to take if your other teeth are in good shape. When you only have one tooth that was extracted that you need to address, getting an implant is completely feasible, unlike dentures, and will not require work on your other teeth such as getting a bridge would. It is also a good way to permanently replace that one missing tooth in your mouth.

#3 You Have Dentures & Find Them Uncomfortable

If this is not your first missing tooth, you may already be familiar with dentures. If you find dentures to be uncomfortable to wear, and you don't enjoy the process of taking your fake teeth in and out every day to clean them, dental implants could be a good choice with you.

If your jawbone is strong, you can replace your dentures with dental implants. If you'll need multiple implants, it may take a few months to go through the procedures to make that happen, but, after the procedures are complete, you will have a full set of teeth that are permanently in your mouth.

If you have good dental health in general, only have one missing tooth, or already have and don't enjoy dentures, be sure to discuss the option of obtaining dental implants with your periodontist. It is a great way to permanently replace a missing tooth without damaging your other teeth or having to adjust and deal with dentures. 
