Dental Care Tips For Moms

by Stacy Nelson

Moms and moms-to-be need to take special care of the teeth to provide a wide smile for a lifetime. You and your children can benefit from good oral hygiene practices before and after birth. Pregnancy brings many changes to your body and with those changes can come sensitive teeth.

Pregnancy Changes Everything: Pregnancy hormones can have an effect on how your body reacts to bacteria that can lead to periodontal infections. The gums can also become swollen because of the increased blood flow making them tender. Pregnancy can also make moms more prone to gum disease and discomfort. It is estimated that 40% of pregnant women can develop pregnancy gingivitis. If you already have gum issues, be prepared, as they could become worse while you are pregnant.

The Right Brush: You still need to clean your teeth and gums thoroughly. A soft-bristled toothbrush is recommended by the American Dental Association (ADA) because it is safer for your teeth.

Consume Less Sugary Foods: Everyone knows a pregnant woman has cravings. It is best to avoid the sugary goodies and replace them with healthier choices. However, if you do indulge in a yummy treat, be sure to brush immediately to remove the damaging sugars. It is important to understand that the snack will continue to have an effect on the teeth for a minimum of 20 minutes after you finish devouring the treat.

Try a Healthy Crunch: If you want something sweet, try an apple, pear or carrot to help remove bacteria from the tooth's surface. The chewing will help increase the production of saliva which can aid in removing plaque. It is advisable to reduce the acid's impact by brushing before you consume the acidic fruit and drink water to rinse away the acids immediately.

When to Brush: If you have consumed acidic foods, it is important to wait approximately 30 minutes to brush your teeth. The acid does damage the surfaces, but if you add brushing too quickly, it can further break down the enamel. Waiting the additional time will allow the enamel time to re-harden.

You and your child should brush for two minutes, twice daily. It is good to be prepared ahead of time. Children mimic parental behaviors, so it is good to have a good oral hygiene program functional before the baby's arrival.

Reduce Stress Levels: You may not realize it, but you could be grinding your teeth as a result of stress during the pregnancy. Try relaxation techniques such as yoga or other relaxation exercises to calm down.

These are just a few pointers a mom can use to reduce the pain involved with tooth and gum issues during pregnancy. You should also realize if you have bad teeth and have gum disease, you could lose the baby or have low birth weights or an early delivery. For more information, contact a dentist in your area.
