2 Tips To Protect Your Direct Composite Veneers From Developing Stains

by Stacy Nelson

Direct composite veneers are often used as an affordable dental restoration method to replace damaged teeth. This type of restoration looks and feels just like natural teeth and helps to provide you with a seamless smile. However, since a direct composite restoration is more affordable than other veneers the material used is not as durable. This leaves the veneers more vulnerable to damage from food stains. The staining can be difficult to fully remove once it has occurred. Therefore, the best thing is to protect your direct composite veneers from developing stains. Fortunately, there are a few tips that you can use in order to do this.

Use an Antibacterial Rinse After Meals

Foods that are left to linger on your teeth can cause stains. As a result, you should use an antibacterial rinse immediately after your meal in order to prevent this. The antibacterial rinse will not only prevent staining but it will help to protect your mouth against bacteria and plaque. You can create an antibacterial rinse from home by using a cinnamon stick. Cinnamon is frequently used to fight off plaque because of its antibacterial properties. A cinnamon rinse can be created using cinnamon sticks by placing the sticks in a medium sized pot and allow the water to boil. Place the pot aside and wait for the rinse to cool. Use the cool rinse directly after your meals and focus on your veneers and gum line.

Limit Dark Foods in Your Diet

Soda and coffee are notorious for staining teeth; however, other foods that are highly pigmented can also result in long-lasting stains. For example, fruits like blueberries and grapes can slowly stain your veneers over time. You can switch out darker fruits for other fruits like strawberries and apples. These foods work to clean your teeth and remove contaminants that cause staining. You may have a difficult time of eliminating all dark food from your diet. Instead, you can limit how often you eat most of these foods. This will limit how often your veneers are exposed to possible stains. In addition, if you do decide to drink dark beverages like soda and coffee, then it is important to use a straw. This will help to direct the beverage to the back of your mouth and limit any potential staining.

Direct composite veneers that become stained can take away from your bright smile. Therefore, use these tips to help prevent against potential staining. a specialist in family dentistry can provide more information.
