4 Common Myths About Dental Implants

by Stacy Nelson

If you've suffered from tooth loss, then chances are you've looked at dental implants as a way to restore your smile. Over the years, dental implants have proven to be safe, reliable and durable. However, there are still several myths and misconceptions surrounding dental implants, including the following ones shown below.

The Implantation Process is Painful

You're probably expecting the implantation process to involve a lot of pain or at least some discomfort. However, the procedure isn't as painful as you'd think. To minimize pain and discomfort, your oral surgeon will use general or local anesthesia to numb the site of the procedure. You can also opt to be sedated during the procedure if you're concerned about your own anxiety getting in the way.

There's a High Risk of Rejection

Another common myth surrounding dental implants is that there's a high rate of rejection involved. On the contrary, dental implant procedures boast a high level of reliability and a low rate of rejection. The average success rate of dental implants is around 98 percent.

What makes dental implants so successful is their use of biocompatible materials. Titanium and zirconium are two such materials that are highly compatible with the human body. Once your implants are in place, the bone cells in your jaw will attach themselves to the implants, creating a strong biocompatible bond that locks the implants in place.

You Can Age Out of Getting Dental Implants

Some patients mistakenly believe that age is a disqualifying factor when it comes to their candidacy for dental implants. In reality, you're never too old to get dental implants. It's not out of the ordinary to see patients well into their 80s receive a brand-new smile through the gift of dental implants. As long as any pre-existing dental issues or health concerns are mitigated beforehand, you can have dental implants installed at any age.

It's Easy to Tell If You Have Dental Implants

Another misconception about dental implants is that people can tell if you have them installed. However, dental implants are designed specifically to mimic the appearance of natural, genuine teeth. For this reason alone, it's nigh impossible for someone to tell if you have dental implants unless you specifically tell them.

Learning about these myths and how they're easily dispelled can be a step forward when it comes to undergoing dental implant surgery. It's a good idea to talk to your orthodontist if you have any other questions or concerns about dental implants and the impact it would have on your well-being. To find out more, contact a business like Dental Services of Rochester.
