3 Mistakes You Are Making With Your Toothbrush

by Stacy Nelson

Most people know the simple rules for caring for their teeth, such as brush and floss twice a day, don't drink sugary drinks, rinse with water, and so forth. However, what many people don't realize is that are actually harming their teeth from the way that they use their toothbrush. Here are 3 common mistakes that people make when caring for their toothbrush.

1. Putting It In The Dishwasher

In attempts to clean their toothbrush people may put their brush in the dishwasher. They may believe that the detergent and the hot water will remove the bacteria from the brush. Although it may be effective in removing bacteria, it will damage the bristles. As the bristles get softer and lose their shape, the brush will become less effective at doing it's job.

This is why you should avoid the dishwasher and instead try soaking the brush. If you have recently been sick or if the brush has gone a good amount of time without a cleaning, you should take some alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or even mouthwash and soak the brush. This will help to remove any bacteria from the brush without damaging the bristles.

2. Storing The Brush Flat

It is important that after each use that the toothbrush is rid of the bacteria. The goal when you brush is to remove all the bacteria and plaque from your mouth. Thus, if you were successful with your brushing, your toothbrush should be pretty dirty and gross. This is why it is important that you properly rinse and clean the brush after each use.

You should always rinse the brush with hot water after you use it and then let it air dry in an upright position. If you lay the brush flat it will only encourage the bacteria to sit on the brush and will stay there ready to transfer to your teeth with the next brushing.

3. Using A Toothbrush For Too Long

Even if you are great at caring for your toothbrush it can only go so long before it will need to be replaced. Most professionals agree that you should replace your toothbrush every 3 months. This is not necessarily because there is too much bacteria on the brush, although that may play a role, it is because of the bristles. Extended use of the brush will cause the bristles to wear and as previously mentioned, this will make the brush ineffective.

By avoiding these 3 mistakes you can keep your toothbrush and mouth clean and healthy. 

For professional dental care, contact a company such as Drs. Phipps, Levin, Hebeka, & Associates Ltd.
