Preparing For Your Dentist Appointment: The Couch To 5K Way

by Stacy Nelson

Does the thought of going to the dentist make you nervous? Maybe you have a bit of a toothache, but you have been putting off your trip to the dentist for several years. Maybe you are afraid that he or she will notice that you haven't been flossing, or you will have expensive cavities to fill. Would it help if there was a "Couch to 5k" approach to preparing for a dental visit? Luckily for you, you just found it.

Start Now: Buy a new toothbrush. If you have been putting it off for a while, it is time to get a new toothbrush. Most toothbrushes are only meant to last about 3-4 months. After that, the bristles begin to lose their stiffness, and they are less effective at getting the job done.

Try it out-Purchase a new toothbrush. Then, go home and use your old toothbrush. Immediately after that, use the new one. Don't your teeth feel noticeably cleaner now? You are now officially on track. If you have gotten this far, don't give up. Keep going!

2 Weeks Before Your Visit: Start flossing. A lot of people use the excuse that their gums bleed when they floss as a reason not to. Unfortunately, this is also a tell-tale sign to the dentist that you have not been flossing.

Try it out-If you start flossing at least 2 weeks before your visit, two really cool things will happen. The first is that you will form a habit, making it easier to keep on doing it. The other is that your gums will build up strength and stop bleeding. Not only will your dentist be impressed with your teeth, but you won't have to lie about whether your have been flossing or not, because you have.

1 Week Before Your Visit: Plan your day. If you haven't already worked up the nerve to schedule your dental visit, now is the time. Contact a local dentist, like Larsen-Haslem Dental. Try to schedule a morning visit, but take the whole day off of work to "recover".

Try it out-Plan an afternoon activity that you really enjoy, such as a pedicure or a round of golf in order to reward yourself after your dentist visit. Use this activity as a reminder that your life will go on, even after going to the dentist. The best part is, you will have clean teeth during your afternoon adventure.

3 Days Before Your Visit: Stop eating garlic. While strong herbs such as garlic are very good for you, nutritionally speaking, they can wreak havoc on your breath. There are few things more embarrassing than having bad breath, especially when you have someone staring into your mouth.

Try it out-Skipping the garlic for a few days can help you to avoid the chance of burping during your dental visit, and sending a puff of garlic-infused nastiness into the air. Paying attention to what you eat for a few days before your visit can keep your breath smelling sweet while you are in the dental chair.

1 Day Before Your Visit: Drink lots of water. Similar to the idea behind avoiding strong-smelling herbs, drinking extra water before your big day helps you to flush all of the impurities out of your system that can cause you to have bad breath.

Try it out-Make sure that you are getting at least the daily recommended 8 glasses of water in your system. This will not only keep you hydrated in spite of any anxiety you may have, but it will also help to wash away any food particles that you may have missed when brushing.

The Morning of Your Visit: Make sure you brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash. Following a good brushing routine right before your dental appointment ensures that you are ready to face the dentist with confidence.

When it is time-You've got this. The thought of going to the dentist can be frightening for some people, but you have been preparing for this moment. You can feel great about your accomplishments, and your smile as well. Your dentist will be so proud!
