Worried About Tooth Loss? Learn About The Replacement Options You Have Available

by Stacy Nelson

Do you suffer from gum disease? Has your dentist recommended extraction of your diseased teeth? If you've answered yes to these questions, you may be concerned about losing your teeth. There are many health issues associated with premature tooth loss, including dietary issues due to the inability to chew foods properly. If you're about to lose your teeth, you need to know that there are options available to help you replace your missing teeth.

Permanent Bridges

If you're only going to lose a few of your teeth, you may benefit from permanent bridges. Permanent bridges are designed to replace teeth that are surrounded by natural teeth. The bridges are permanently attached to the natural teeth. You'll be left with a bridge that looks and feels like your real teeth. It is important to note that if you've suffered bone or tissue loss, you may not qualify for a permanent bridge.

Partial Removable Dentures

If your bone or tissue loss prevents you from having a permanent bridge installed to replace your missing teeth, you will probably receive a partial removable denture. Partial dentures are used to replace one or two missing teeth. The false teeth are attached to a dental material that is fitted to your mouth. The partial is held in place by metal clasps that hook to adjoining natural teeth.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth. Metal posts are surgically implanted into your jaw bone and then artificial teeth are attached to the posts. The benefit of dental implants is that they look and act like your natural teeth, which means that you'll be able to continue enjoying all the foods and activities you enjoyed before your teeth were extracted. Not everyone is a candidate for dental implants though. For instance, if you smoke or have health issues such as heart problems or diabetes, you may not be able to receive implants.

Removable Dentures

If all of your teeth need to be extracted but you're not a good candidate for dental implants, you'll be fitted for removable dentures. Your dentures will be fitted to your mouth. You'll need to see your prosthodontist on a regular basis to have your dentures adjusted. Without proper adjustments, your dentures can rub sores in your mouth, which can be quite painful.

If it's time to have your teeth extracted, you don't have to be without teeth. Speak to your prosthodontist about the options that are available to you.
